
List of all configuration options

Config {} - object that is passed to construct the initial simulation:
Name Type Description Default value
title string A title for your model " "
description string A short description of your model " "
maxtime integer Duration of your simulation 1,000,000
ncol integer Number of columns (width) of grid 100
nrow integer Number of rows (heighth) of grid 100
wrap Array(2) Wrapped boundary conditions [cols, rows] [true, true]
seed integer Random number seed 53
skip integer Update the grid N times before displaying the grid (i.e. skip N times) 0
fpsmeter boolean Show a FPS-meter in the upper-right corner true
sleep integer Pause X milliseconds in between time steps 0
graph-interval integer Save datapoint to graph every X time steps 10
graph-update integer Redraw graph every X time steps 50
scale integer Size of drawn grid points in pixels 2
statecolours Object
Dictionary-style object mapping state-values to colours
name of colour map (default, random, viridis, inferno)
num_colours integer Total number of colours generate if statecolours is one of the default colour maps 18
skipbg_state boolean Do not draw the 0-state (faster) false
show_gridname boolean Show the gridname below the canvas true
printcursor boolean Upon clicking the grid, print the grid point object in the console. true